Mainfreight’s success is built on its Three Pillars of Culture, Family and Philosophy. The principles that make up these foundations have underpinned the Company’s values and ethics from its earliest days.
Mainfreight’s Code of Ethics and Conduct draws on the Three Pillars, and sets out the ethical and behavioural standards by which its Directors, Employees and Owner Drivers (collectively known as Mainfreight Team Members) are expected to conduct themselves.
Mainfreight team members must maintain the highest standards of integrity in all their dealings, and must take into account, and act in the best interests of Mainfreight, their colleagues, shareholders and stakeholders as required by law.
In addition, Mainfreight Directors must give proper attention to the matters that come before them.
The Company’s policy and guidelines for Anti-Corruption and Anti-Competitive Practices specifically encourage open and frank communication of any suspicious activity, without fear, to defend the integrity of the business. All Mainfreight Team Members have a responsibility to report any breaches of this Code, or of any other Company policies that are in effect, and may do so without fear. Breaches or concerns may be reported confidentially to the relevant Region/Country Manager or to the Group Manager Team Development.
Conflict of Interest
Mainfreight Team Members must ensure that their personal interests do not impair, (or be considered to impair), their ability to make objective and fair decisions in respect of Mainfreight’s interests, and must identify any conflicts or potential conflicts to their Branch Manager, Training & Development Team or other appropriate person. This includes use of Mainfreight property or information for personal gain, or personally accepting any opportunity or gift arising through their position with Mainfreight, if it could be perceived that this could compromise or influence any decision made by Mainfreight.
Respect & Honesty
Mainfreight’s Three Pillars provide guidance for the way in which Team Members should conduct themselves in respect of the Company, its shareholders and stakeholders. They are expected to deal with honesty and integrity, listen to each other, care for customers, the environment and our communities, and have respect for others – showing it by their actions.
Mainfreight Assets & Property
Care of Company assets, and displaying an immaculate image and presentation, are two of the cultural factors of the Three Pillars. Mainfreight Team Members accordingly are charged with caring for the Company’s information, assets and property, and ensuring presentation is consistently high. Mainfreight believes its quality facilities support its team in providing the highest possible levels of service to its customers. Mainfreight’s induction courses include training on Team Members’ responsibilities for care and appropriate use of Company assets, property and information.
Compliance with Laws, Rules and Regulations
Mainfreight Team Members’ commitment to integrity begins with complying with all applicable laws, rules and regulations that exist wherever we do business in the world. In addition, all Team Members must have an understanding of Company policies and procedures, including the Whistle Blower Policy, and apply these as required in their roles. Mainfreight Team Members take responsibility for preventing violations of law and for speaking up if violations are seen.
Application and Breaches of this Code
Mainfreight Team Members will at all times comply and conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the values set out in this Code, and with all Company policies that are adopted from time to time. Training will be provided during Induction courses and otherwise as required. Any Mainfreight Team Member found to be in breach of this Code may be subject to disciplinary and/or legal action.