Mainfreight Limited (the Company) Diversity Policy
- Optimising the breadth of team experience, skills, innovation and perspective across all levels of the business;
- Ensuring that the Company structure reflects the demographics of the communities in which it operates;
- Encouraging discussion and debate to assist robust decision making;
- Providing a positive workplace environment that promotes team satisfaction and attracts potential new employees;
- Creating a source of competitive advantage to the benefit of the Company’s stakeholders.
In considering diversity, Mainfreight recognises variables including ethnicity, cultural background, gender, age, disabilities, family status, religious beliefs, sexual orientation and gender identity, and perspective and experience.
Mainfreight’s diversity initiatives are applicable, but not limited, to our practices and policies on recruitment and selection, remuneration and benefits, professional development and training, retention and advancement, and terminations.
Recruitment and selection practices at all levels are appropriately structured so that a diverse range of candidates are considered and so that there are no biases that might discriminate against certain candidates. Notwithstanding which, Mainfreight’s Board considers that only a merit-based approach is appropriate for selection (and promotion) of Employees, Executives, and Directors.
Mainfreight seeks to foster an inclusive environment, in which every team member treats others with dignity and respect at all times. The Company’s strong culture recognises the value and contribution of its team across the world. Any individual found to have exhibited any inappropriate conduct or behaviour towards others may be subject to disciplinary action.
Mainfreight’s Board of Directors retains ultimate responsibility for the Diversity Policy, and has delegated its implementation to the CEO/Group Managing Director and, through him or her, to the Management team.
In particular, Management will, subject to oversight and approval by the Board:
- Collect and report information on diversity, at an employee level, executive level and on the Board (including pay equity);
- Monitor and report gender diversity in the Company’s annual report;
- Monitor diversity information and consider the necessity for future targets, including measuring performance against agreed targets and reporting on these to the Board;
- Consider actions and future objectives for improving diversity.

Diversity Policy
Mainfreight recognises the benefits of diversity to the Company’s long-term performance and in achieving its goals and strategies, through the following. Download to read more.