Overview of Cookies

Systems Organisation Name Type Life Domain Purpose
Website Google __utma Analytical 2 years mainfreight.com Track site usage, no customer name,
or user Name recorded
Website Google __utmb Analytical 30 minutes mainfreight.com Track site usage, no customer name,
or user Name recorded
Website Google __utmb Analytical Session
mainfreight.com Track site usage, no customer name,
or user Name recorded
Website Google __utmli Analytical Temporary mainfreight.com Temporarily record user selection data
Website Google __utmt_{ga_account_id} Analytical 10 minutes mainfreight.com Track site usage, no customer name,
or user Name recorded
Website Google __utmz Analytical 6 months mainfreight.com Track site usage, no customer name,
or user Name recorded
Website Google _dc_gtm_{gtm_account_id} Analytical Session
mainfreight.com Links Advertising Analytics with
Google Tag Manager account
Website Google _ga Analytical 2 years mainfreight.com Track site usage, no customer name,
or user Name recorded. Multiple can be
created for different sources
e.g. Social media services
Website Google _gid Analytical 24 hours mainfreight.com Track site usage, no customer name,
or user Name recorded
Website Google 1P_JAR Advertising 1 month mainfreight.com Gathers website statistics and
tracked conversion rates
Website Google ANID Advertising 2 years mainfreight.com AdWords Remarketing
Website Google APISID Advertising 2 years mainfreight.com This cookie stores preferences and other
user information. In particular, the preferred
display language for the page, the number
of search results displayed on the page,
and the choice of activating or deactivating
the SafeSearch filter from Google.
Website Google DSID Advertising 1 week mainfreight.com AdWords Remarketing
Website Google DV Advertising 7 minutes mainfreight.com This cookie stores preferences and other
user information. In particular, the preferred
display language for the page, the number
of search results displayed on the page,
and the choice of activating or deactivating
the SafeSearch filter from Google.
Website Google HSID Advertising 2 years mainfreight.com This cookie saves preferences and other
user information. In particular, the preferred
display language for the page, the number
of search results displayed on the page,
and the choice of activating or deactivating
the SafeSearch filter from Google
Website Google IDE Advertising 2 years mainfreight.com AdWords Remarketing
Website Google NID Advertising 182 days mainfreight.com This cookie saves preferences and other
user information. In particular, the preferred
display language for the page, the number
of search results displayed on the page,
and the choice of activating or deactivating
the SafeSearch filter from Google
Website Google OTZ Advertising 17 days mainfreight.com This cookie saves preferences and other
user information. In particular, the preferred
display language for the page, the number
of search results displayed on the page,
and the choice of activating or deactivating
the SafeSearch filter from Google
Website Google SAPISID Advertising 2 years mainfreight.com This cookie saves preferences and other
user information. In particular, the preferred
display language for the page, the number
of search results displayed on the page,
and the choice of activating or deactivating
the SafeSearch filter from Google
Website Google SID Advertising 2 years mainfreight.com This cookie saves preferences and other
user information. In particular, the preferred
display language for the page, the number
of search results displayed on the page,
and the choice of activating or deactivating
the SafeSearch filter from Google
Website Google SIDCC Advertising 1 day mainfreight.com Cookie that is responsible for security. Prevents
unauthorized access to user data
Website Google SSID Advertising 2 years mainfreight.com This cookie saves preferences and other
user information. In particular, the preferred
display language for the page, the number
of search results displayed on the page,
and the choice of activating or deactivating
the SafeSearch filter from Google
Website LinkdIn bcookie Functional 1 year mainfreight.com Browser ID cookie
Website LinkdIn li_oatml Functional 1 month mainfreight.com Linkedin follow button
Website LinkdIn liap Functional 20 days mainfreight.com Linkedin follow button
Website LinkdIn lidc Functional 1 day mainfreight.com Linkedin follow button
Website LinkdIn UserMatchHistory Functional 3 days mainfreight.com Used for LinkedIn Insights and
Ads Tags user analysis.
Website Mainfreight accept_terms_{sitecode} Functional 90 days mainfreight.com Records acceptance of cookies and
terms for GDPR
Website Mainfreight ASP.NET_SessionId Functional 24 hours mainfreight.com Holds Session ID for user
Website Mainfreight PreferredUnitofMeasurement Functional 24 hours mainfreight.com Records user's preferred unit of measure
so measurements can be dynamically
displayed in the expected system
(i.e. metric or imperial)
Website Mainfreight PublicWebSiteCookie Functional Unclassified mainfreight.com Unclassified
Website Mainfreight webcore Functional 1 hour mainfreight.com Server load balancing
Website Survey Monkey _gc_alu Unclassified Unclassified mainfreight.com Unclassified
Website Survey Monkey bcookie Analytical 1 year mainfreight.com Unclassified
Website Survey Monkey CX_{sm_account_id) Functional 1 year mainfreight.com Used for pop-up surveys to track whether
the survey was already taken to avoid
re-showing the pop-up
Website Survey Monkey ep201 Functional 1 hour mainfreight.com Set by load balancer. User tracking for
abuse and troubleshooting problems.
Website Survey Monkey ep202 Functional 90 days mainfreight.com Used as a unique user identifier to test
experiences (e.g. display various color
combinations to identify what’s most effective).
It’s also used on our respondent experience
page to measure survey completion rates.
Website Survey Monkey ep203 Required 90 days mainfreight.com Used to identify browsers for Account
Website Survey Monkey P_{sm_account_id) Functional 1 year mainfreight.com Used for pop-up surveys to track whether
the survey was already taken to avoid
re-showing the pop-up.
Website Survey Monkey RP_{sm_account_id) Functional 90 days mainfreight.com Enforces the one response per computer setting.
Website Survey Monkey SM_COOKIE Functional 2 months mainfreight.com Unclassified
Website Google _fbp Advertising Session
mainfreight.com Unclassified
Website Twitter guest_id Functional 2 months mainfreight.com Twitter share button
Website Twitter personalization_id Functional 2 months mainfreight.com Twitter share button
Website Twitter tfw_exp Functional 2 days mainfreight.com Twitter share button
Website Yandex _ym_isad Analytical 24 hours mainfreight.com Track site usage, no customer name,
or user Name recorded
Website Yandex _ym_d Analytical 1 year mainfreight.com Track site usage, no customer name,
or user Name recorded
Website Yandex _ym_uid Analytical 2 years mainfreight.com Track site usage, no customer name,
or user Name recorded
Website Yandex i Analytical 10 years mainfreight.com Track site usage, no customer name,
or user Name recorded
Website Yandex yabs-sid Analytical Session
mainfreight.com Holds Session ID for user
Website Yandex yandexuid Analytical 1 year mainfreight.com Track site usage, no customer name,
or user Name recorded
Website Yandex yp Analytical 10 years mainfreight.com Track site usage, no customer name,
or user Name recorded
Mainchain Mainfreight .ASPXFORMSAUTH Functional 3 hours mainchain.net Window forms authentication
Mainchain Mainfreight ASP.NET_SessionId Functional Session mainchain.net Holds session id for user
Mainchain Mainfreight MFTSSOTokenId Functional 3 hours mainchain.net Hold user identity and valid for session
Mainchain Mainfreight WaitDivPercent_Value Functional 24 hours mainchain.net Time to session expire notice
Mainchain Mainfreight mcLang Functional 30 days mainchain.net Hold language setting
Mainchain Mainfreight langChanged Functional 24 hours mainchain.net Record if the language changed
Mainchain Incapsula incap_ses_# Functional Session mainchain.net Preserves user’s states across page requests to imrove performance of the website.
Mainchain Incapasula visid_incap_# Functional 470 days mainchain.net Preserves user’s states across page requests to imrove performance of the website.
Mainchain 2checkout.com nlbi_# Funtional Session mainchain.net Provides load balancing functionality
Mainchain Google __utma Analytical 2 years mainchain.net Track site usage, no customer name,
or user Name recorded
Mainchain Google __utmb Analytical 30 minutes mainchain.net Track site usage, no customer name,
or user Name recorded
Mainchain Google __utmc Analytical Session mainchain.net Track site usage, no customer name,
or user Name recorded
Mainchain Google __utmt Analytical 5 minutes mainchain.net Track site usage, no customer name,
or user Name recorded
Mainchain Google __utmz Analytical 6 months mainchain.net Track site usage, no customer name,
or user Name recorded
Mainchain Google _ga Analytical 2 years mainchain.net Track site usage, no customer name,
or user Name recorded
Mainchain Google _gat Analytical 24 hours mainchain.net Track site usage, no customer name,
or user Name recorded
Mainchain Google _gid Analytical 24 hours mainchain.net Track site usage, no customer name,
or user Name recorded
SCUS Google _ga Analytical 2 years mainchain.net Track site usage, no customer name,
or user Name recorded
SCUS Google _gid Analytical 24 hours mainchain.net Track site usage, no customer name,
or user Name recorded
SCUS Google _gat Analytical 24 hours mainchain.net Track site usage, no customer name,
or user Name recorded
SCUS Google __utmb Analytical 30 minutes mainchain.net Track site usage, no customer name,
or user Name recorded
SCUS Google __utmc Analytical Session mainchain.net Track site usage, no customer name,
or user Name recorded
SCUS Google __utmt Analytical 5 minutes mainchain.net Track site usage, no customer name,
or user Name recorded
SCUS Google __utmz Analytical 6 months mainchain.net Track site usage, no customer name,
or user Name recorded
SCUS Mainfreight mcLang Functional 30 days scusanew.mainchain.net Hold language setting
SCUS Mainfreight ASP.NET_SessionId Functional Session scusanew.mainchain.net Holds session id for use
SCUS Mainfreight AuthCookieSCUSA Functional Session scusanew.mainchain.net Hold user identity and valid for session
SCUS Mainfreight MFTSSOTokenId Functional 3 hours mainchain.net Hold user identity and valid for session
SCEU Google _ga Analytical 2 years mainchain.net Track site usage, no customer name,
or user Name recorded
SCEU Google _gid Analytical 24 hours mainchain.net Track site usage, no customer name,
or user Name recorded
SCEU Google __utma Analytical 2 years mainchain.net Track site usage, no customer name,
or user Name recorded
SCEU Google __utmb Analytical 30 minutes mainchain.net Track site usage, no customer name,
or user Name recorded
SCEU Google __utmc Analytical Session mainchain.net Track site usage, no customer name,
or user Name recorded
SCEU Google __utmz Analytical 6 months mainchain.net Track site usage, no customer name,
or user Name recorded
SCEU Mainfreight ASP.NET_SessionId Functional Session apisceu.mainchain.net Holds session id for user
SCEU Mainfreight MFTSSOTokenId Functional 3 hours apisceu.mainchain.net Hold user identity and valid for session
CMS Mainfreight MFTSSOTokenId Functional 3 hours omsnz.mainchain.net Hold user identity and valid for session
CMS Google _ga Analytical 2 years mainchain.net Track site usage, no customer name,
or user Name recorded
CMS Google _gid Analytical 24 hours mainchain.net Track site usage, no customer name,
or user Name recorded
CMS Google _gat Analytical 24 hours mainchain.net Track site usage, no customer name,
or user Name recorded
SCNZ Mainfreight ASP.NET_SessionId Functional Session scnz.mainfreight.com Holds session id for user
SCNZ Mainfreight AuthCookie Functional Session scnz.mainfreight.com Hold user identity and valid for session
Visibility Google _ga Analytical 2 years mainchain.net Track site usage, no customer name,
or user Name recorded
Visibility Google _gid Analytical 24 hours mainchain.net Track site usage, no customer name,
or user Name recorded
Visibility Google __utma Analytical 2 years mainchain.net Track site usage, no customer name,
or user Name recorded
Visibility Google __utmb Analytical 30 minutes mainchain.net Track site usage, no customer name,
or user Name recorded
Visibility Google __utmc Analytical Session mainchain.net Track site usage, no customer name,
or user Name recorded
Visibility Google __utmt Analytical 5 minutes mainchain.net Track site usage, no customer name,
or user Name recorded
Visibility Google __utmz Analytical 6 months mainchain.net Track site usage, no customer name,
or user Name recorded
Visibility Mainfreight mcLang Functional 30 days nzvisibility.mainchain.net Hold language setting
Visibility Mainfreight MFTSSOTokenId Functional 3 hours nzvisibility.mainchain.net Hold user identity and valid for session
Freman Google _ga Analytical 2 years mainchain.net Track site usage, no customer name,
or user Name recorded
Freman Google _gid Analytical 24 hours mainchain.net Track site usage, no customer name,
or user Name recorded
Freman Google _gat Analytical 24 hours mainchain.net Track site usage, no customer name,
or user Name recorded

How we use cookies

На нашем веб-сайте мы используем функциональные и аналитические файлы cookie, чтобы обеспечить оптимальный пользовательский интерфейс. Наряду с этим мы используем отслеживающие файлы cookie, которые могут собирать информацию о вас, а также ваших передвижениях на нашем веб-сайте и, возможно, также за его пределами. Эта информация будет использоваться для оценки эффективности нашей рекламы на различных каналах и предлагать Вам персональную рекламу. Нажмите на [Согласен] или [Не согласен], чтобы принять или отключить файлы cookie. Вы можете отозвать свое согласие в любой момент. Для получения дополнительной информации просим посетить веб-сайт с нашим Заявлением об использовании cookie. Просим учесть, что при отключении файлов cookie, вам будет менее удобно работать с некоторыми функциями.