Here's how it works

What to expect from Mainfreight
No assessment centres. We won’t test you like a lab rat. Your grades and IQ are just part of who you are. We want to find out what drives you, what kind of person you are and where you’d fit into the Mainfreight family. Which is why we do things the way we do.
One-on-one. We’re not into mass emails so wherever possible, we’ll pick up the phone to talk to you. Check your messages.
We’re decisive: We run a quick, painless and honest process that’s all about figuring out whether you’re right for the business and whether the business is right for you.
Our Application Process
Send us your CV and cover letter. This is your opportunity to stand out, so be sure to tell us all about yourself, why you stand out and what makes you a good fit for Mainfreight.
You’ve taken the time to get in touch, the least we can do is let you know your application has arrived safely. Expect a return email.
Whether it’s a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’, you’ll hear back from us pretty soon. If it’s a ‘yes’ we’ll schedule in a time for a phone interview. This will usually be via email so keep an eye out and check junk mail folders if you’re waiting to hear from us. If all goes well, we’ll get you in for a face to face interview. Study up on the Mainfreight business and grad program. Now is the time to ask any burning questions.
Either by Skype or in person, this is where we get to know each other better.
Do your homework, come with questions and be prepared to tell us all about yourself.
If we hit it off at this stage, a personality test may be used to help both you and Mainfreight understand more about what makes you tick. This helps us plan for where you would fit into the business and how we can best develop your potential.
You’ve made the shortlist, this is your final round. If you can see yourself as part of Mainfreight and we can see you’ve got what we’re looking for, you’ll meet with a branch manager who makes the final decision and job offer.
You’ll get a formal job offer with an outline of all you need to know to assist you in saying “Yes!” Your global adventure is about to start!
Interview Tips
Do your homework. Find out about Mainfreight, talk to people, Google us. A long-term career here is much more likely if you feel like you’d fit into our culture and way of doing things. It’s not for everyone!
Ask questions. Find out whether Mainfreight can offer you what you’re looking for. Ask about the future direction of the business, induction, development or travel opportunities.
Think about how you handle challenges. Be prepared to tell us about any tough situations you’ve come up against and how you’ve handled them in a way that’s relevant to a role here at Mainfreight.
Practice! Get your friends or family to do a mock interview and critique your responses. You’re up against others for the role so give it yourself the best chance, be well-prepared, confident and well-groomed.
Dress for success! We value and protect our own image and we look for that in the people we hire. Dress like you already have the job and arrive on time.