Who We Are

The quality and success of our global supply chain relies on the service performance of our people worldwide and is measured by the perception our customers have of the service we provide.
Our History

Our History

Mainfreight began its operations in Auckland, New Zealand in 1978, soon growing into New Zealand’s most extensive freight network. A shift in focus in 1984 saw the opening of the first Mainfreight Air & Ocean branch.

Investments in Australian operations began in 1989, driven by a desire to treat New Zealand and Australia as a single market. Our presence in Australia continued to expand through both acquisition and branch proliferation across strategic locations.

In 1996, we went public and listed on the New Zealand Stock Exchange. To this day, we continue to be one of the best performing businesses on the New Zealand market.

We became global in 1999 with the acquisition of businesses in both Asia and the United States. Full ownership of our Asian operations was complete in 2007 and today we have several branches operating out of China, South East Asia, Japan and Korea. Expansion continued in the Americas with the purchase of Target Logistics Services in 2007.

In 2011, we acquired the business of Wim Bosman Group providing further opportunities to expand our international global network with branches throughout Europe. Our network across the region continues to expand with branches opening up in new countries across the entire supply chain.

The intensification and growth of our network remains a key strategic initiative enabling us to provide greater levels of logistics efficiency and communication by being closer to our customers and their customers.
Special People, Special Company

Special People, Special Company

  • Our Unique Culture

    Our unique family and philosophy make Mainfreight, Mainfreight. This culture is our most treasured asset and is at the heart of our past, our present and our future.

  • Our 100 year Vision

    Rather than quick wins or short-term gains, Mainfreight’s strategies, decisions and actions today are guided by a desire to create a strong, iconic and enduring business.

  • Our People

    Our 8,500+ people are the life blood of Mainfreight. We believe that what sets us apart is the quality of our people and the special Mainfreight culture that we are so proud of. Promoting only from within ensures our global team will evolve and grow our unique culture and purpose.

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