Mainchain Technology

Our customer visibility portal, Mainchain, allows a full view of your supply chain across all modes.  With real time data at your fingertips, it allows you to make quick supply chain decisions at any time, day or night.

As a Warehousing customer, Mainchain grants you access to the following:


Create Orders

Easy order entry for the creation of both inbound and outbound orders with preloaded product and receiver information. Users can:
  • Save receiver information for repeat entry
  • Select your delivery date
  • Real time stock on hand levels visible at the point of booking
  • Ensures mandatory orer and delivery information is provided

Manage Service Inquiries

Inquiries are prioritized and reported on in one central point. You can:
  • Create and receive an issue for a shipment
  • Filter issues through classification including:
    • Labelling
    • Stock variance
    • Billing accuracy
    • Damage
    • Delay

Automatic reminders and escalation ensure prompt attention to all enquiries lodged. If a team member is away, the task is automatically forwarded to the Team Leader to action in their absence.

Automatic emails are sent, notifying you when a task is updated or resolved and tracks the steps and the team members who have helped resolve it.

Set Up Notifications

You can configure notifications to be sent to you at specified milestones avoiding the need to constantly track shipments.

Keep your suppliers and receivers connected by setting up notifications for them. They are easy to read, packed with useful information and can be sent via email or SMS.

Link Our Systems

Through EDI or API integrations you can directly link your systems to ours for total visibility and control within your own business environment. EDI or API capabilities include:
  • Purchase orders
  • Sales orders
  • Order confirmation
  • Reports
  • Order reconciliation
  • Stock reconciliation
  • Inventory status change
  • Stock adjustment
  • Consignment manifest
  • Notifications


View All Activities

The Mainchain dashboard provides an instant view of all your current activities across all services.
  • Customize your dashboard and 'watch lists' visibility on shipments for a 60-day period
  • Filter by order direction, data range and warehouses
  • Information can be displayed as a list or in a graph

Global Inventory Visibility

Our global warehousing footprint is supported by one Mainfreight warehousing technology platform ensuring full visibility in one system across any combination of cities and countries.

View inventory by product code and filter results by attributes such as:
  • Pack
  • Pack size
  • Committed
  • On order
  • Held
  • Damaged
  • Available
  • In transit
  • Stock on hand

Access Tracking Data

Full visibility from warehouse processing through to final delivery.
  • Use your own order / reference number as your tracking number
  • Integrated tracking with our parcel partners for B2C orders.

Retrieve Broader Results

Use the advance search platform to view a broad range of order information. including:
  • Warehouse
  • Customer
  • Order reference
  • Consignee
  • Status
  • Carrier
  • Carrier reference
Save seaches to reduce the need to reapply search parameters.
  • Search one year of data both (past and future)
  • Export information in Excel or CSV

Received Proof of Delivery

Once outward orders have been delivered you can view and download proof of delivery you can view and download proof of deliver (POD).


Create Reports

Within Mainchain you can analyze your supply chain by customizing reports with filters.

You are able to create reports on demand or scheduled as required, including:
  • Transaction history
  • Inward transactions
  • Outwards transactions
  • Client stock expiry
  • Stock on hand reporting including under bond information

In-depth Analysis

Mainfreight has a range of reporting tools that add value around service and cost control. These can be specified to your needs. Reports include:
  • Picked In Full On Time (PIFOT)
  • Delivered in Full On Time (DIFOT)
  • Inbound performance
  • Outbound performance
  • Continuous improvement
  • Inventory record accuracy

Discussions with your Key Account Manager can address areas for improvement and agree on corrective action and measurement criteria.

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